Q&A with Maria Zannini

Today, we have a Q&A with author, Maria Zannini where she promises to give us all the juicy details on how to become a rising, hot novelist.

Q: You have a new book out from Carina Press. What is True Believers about?
A: The usual. Sex, lies, and government cover-ups.

Q: Is writing hard?
A: Writing is easy. But editors are soooo picky. They insist that each sentence make sense. Sheesh!

Q: How does one become a published author?
A: Pure dumb luck…and a good book.

Q: Do you have any advice for new writers?
A: Yes.

Q: Could you tell us what that is?
A: No.

<<shoots daggers at Maria>>

Q: What do you miss most now that you’re on your second published book?
A: Sleep. Some authors say sleep is overrated, but they’re obviously deluded, suffering from severe sleep deprivation. Either that or they have kids, which means they don’t sleep anyway.

I’d kill for an uninterrupted night’s sleep. Every night it’s the same thing. I fall asleep, I dream about my latest work in progress, and BAM, before I know it, there’s Nathan Fillion taking off his clothes.

I’m so shocked, I wake up.

Q: Is it always Nathan Fillion?
A: No. Sometimes it’s Gerard Butler and his six-pack.

Q: How can readers get their copy of True Believers?
A: Pop over to Carina Press at this handy dandy link and click ‘Add to Cart’. You can also pirate the book, but I don’t recommend it. I have Rottweilers (big, meaty Rottweilers) and if mommy doesn’t sell her books, they don’t get their cookies.

You don’t want to see a poor Rottweiler go hungry, do you? Look at that cute face.

Can you say no to those baby brown eyes?

Q: Maria, this is shameless!
A: What’s your point?

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to tell our readers?
A: Well…I suppose I have to come clean. Everything I told you today is a lie. Except the part about the cute Rottweiler. His name is Tank, and I’d feed him even if you didn’t buy my book.

Maria Zannini’s latest release is a science fiction romance called TRUE BELIEVERS.

Mix one cynical immortal and one true believer and throw them into the biggest alien-hunt the world has never known. Rachel Cruz is a Nephilim masquerading as an archeologist and she’s stuck with an alien who believes she can lead him to his ancestral gods. Black Ops wants to find these gods too. They want them dead.

Follow Maria here:


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PS And if you’re a real pal, you’ll go to RT Reviews and vote for my novel, MISTRESS OF THE STONE. Go on. You know you want to. And if you vote for me, I’ll love you forever.

28 thoughts on “Q&A with Maria Zannini

  1. Maria, please, your next book must be a humorous How-To on the craft of writing … you nailed it here, especially on the point that each sentence must make sense. Loved it πŸ™‚

      • I keep telling everybody that I’m not a humor writer, but for some reason everything just sounds funny when I say it out loud.

        But Joanne, if I ever write that how-to book, I will put you in the credits as the person who poked me with a fork.

        Charlie: No Dada. Just Mama. πŸ˜€

  2. Fun interview, and your book sounds like a good one. Can’t wait to read it.

    Rottweilers are one of my favorite breeds. Haven’t had a pure bred yet, but we’ve been lucky enough to have a Rottie-Doberman (a big baby) in the past and currently a Rottie-Golden Retriever. Best dogs ever πŸ™‚

    • Hope you like True Believers, Cathy!

      I can talk about dogs all day, but Charlie will probably throw me out if I do. πŸ˜‰

      Tank is a full rottie. The younger dog, Iko, (my penance on Earth) is mixed with Tazmanian Devil, I think. I love my boys. They are very sweet and loving.

      PS. I put your blog on my reader. My heart goes out to you and Holly. I hope she’s doing better and you caught all the cancer. Give a big hug to Holly for me.

      • Hey, pets are allowed on this blog. They are usually the made-up-species kind, but we can talk real pets, too. πŸ˜‰

        I’ve always found it interesting that lots of sci-fi romance make use of pets. Anne McCaffrey’s series that started with The Rowan featured “coonies” – big psychic cats. Jess Granger’s series uses little warrior attack pets. Fun!

        Maria, I didn’t spot any pets in True Believers. Did I miss them? If not, was that a conscious decision? Or did you just not need the extra characters in this story since you had the very cool AI characters?

      • Thanks for the linkage, Maria. Holly’s doing great. I’ll pass your hug on to her, and in return I’m sure she’d give you a big, slobbery kiss πŸ™‚

  3. Pets in fiction. That would be a good post to do here, Charlie!

    There are no pets in True Believers. Didn’t you think it was big enough already? LOL.

    I did put in a little mongrel in Touch Of Fire, just a walk on part. And then there were the horses who were characters in their own right.

    My crit partners think I do animals really well so I might let them show up more in future books.

    • I did think it was big enough! So many great characters in there. And I can’t imagine what long lived immortals would do with pets anyway. Of course, maybe humans would fill that role for them. Oh, now I see it – Paul was the pet! No, Paul was too awesome for pet status. πŸ˜‰

  4. Maria – it has been fun having you on the blog today. Thank you for joining us!

    And thanks to everyone who came out to say hello to Maria. Be sure to check out True Believers!

    • Nathan has that effect on a lot of people. πŸ˜†

      I should never have caught that episode where “Mrs. Reynolds” leaves him stranded and naked. I’ve been imprinted for life!

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